Fitter Library Practical Section

List of  tool and machinery used in the Fitter Trade.
Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)
First Aid
Safety Signs
Use of fire extinguisher
Marking  and Sawing
Filing Flat and Square (Rough finish)
Chipping Flat surfaces along a marked line
Finding centre of round bar with the help of marking block
Chipping slot and oils grooves
Filling Flat,Square and parralel to an accuracy of 0.5mm
Chip Curve along a line mark out,key ways at various angles and cut key ways
File thin metal to an accuracy of 0.5mm
Step filing and Matching
File convex and concave radius and match
Drilling and Tapping practice
Marking out of simple development
Drill on M.S flat
File radius and profile to suit gauge
Counter sink,Counter bore and ream split fit (three piece fitting)
File and make step fit ,anguler fit,angle,surfaces
Make simple open and sliding fit
Enlarge hole and increase internal dia
Make open fiting of curved profile
Make inside square fit
Make sliding “T”  fit
File fit -combined,open angular and sliding sides
File internal angle 30 minutes accuracy open, angular fit